Friday December 26, '08
Christmas passed in a surprising hurry. We spent a leisurely week getting ready for the Holiday. No real rushing about was involved. We picked up a little of this, a little of that, a lot of food, cooked a while, and just let it happen.
The result was a time of wonderful family caring. We shared stories of many previous Christmases. We remembered those; here, elsewhere, and gone on, and basked in being lucky enough to count them in our lives. A few small trinkets were exchanged with love. It was so much more sweet than trying to overwhelm each other with exuberant opulence.
Laughter surrounded us all the way through the dinner disaster! Wouldn't you know it -- something was forgotten. All that turkey, dressing and gravy and not a cranberry in the whole deserted desert! Del (with the sweetest, smuggest smile) stepped to her RV and brought forth the golden can of the crowning ingredient. She's our hero!!
Occasional phone calls brought the voices of loved ones. Each with tales of their cosy celebrations and best wishes for ours. The evening found us knowing life was well and comfortable for all our brood. A pleasant peace settled over us and brought a sound sleep.
Tomorrow brings son, Royce, daughter (in law) Jenifer and grand baby Georgia. We're looking forward to giggles and hugs for nearly a week.
Between moments of family fellowship there are little preparatory projects with the RV. She's about ready to be trusted for a safari down the east coast of Mexico to Belize and back up through the mountains. There are about 3,700 miles to do in Mexico, and another 2,500 in the U.S by the time we get back to Scottsdale. The rig's up to it; Are we? Stay tuned!
We hope you are blessed with as warm and loving a holiday as we. I'm sure that's exactly what God wants for you.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all.
Merry Christmas to you all from us all.
Ted and pam
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